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1) BIOS stands for __?

Answer: Basic Input Output System.

2) A program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts is __?

Answer: Trojan Horse.

3) The geometric arrangement of devices on the network is called………..? 

Answer: Topology.

4) ASCII stands for__? 

Answer: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

5). Second Generation computers were developed during__?

 Answer: 1956-65.

6) XML stands for __? 

Answer: Extensible Markup Language.

7) What kind of scheme is the HTTP protocol?

Answer:  Request/Response.

8) Magnetic disk is an example of__? 

Answer: Secondary Memory.

9) The whole problem of representing the facts that change as well as those that do not is known as the:

Answer: Frame Problem.

10) APT stands for:

Answer: Actual Parameter Table.

11) Best-First-Search is a way of combining the advantages of both:

Answer: Depth-first and breadth-first search into a single method.

12) When 64-bit chip was introduced?

Answer: In 1993 by Intel.

13) A list of tasks a system could perform is known as:

Answer: Agenda.

14) In the compiler, which analyzer converts the source program into a sequence of atomic units called tokens?

Answer: Lexical Analyzer.

15) Name the search procedure that operates in a space of constraint sets:

Answer: Constraint Satisfaction.

16) PCM stands for:

Answer: Pulse Code Modulation.

17) The kind of backward chaining in which operates are selected and then sub goals are set up to establish the preconditions of the operators is called:

Answer: Operator sub goaling.


18) Identifiers, keywords, constants, operators and punctuation symbols such as commas and parentheses are typical:

Answer: Tokens.

19) The minimax search procedure is a:

Answer: Depth-first, depth-limited search procedure.


20) A security method that identifies a specific authorized user of a computer system, by a unique string of character that user types as an identification code is:

Answer: Password.

21) The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into ___? 

Answer: Information.

22) Where are the CPU and memory located?

Answer:  Motherboard.

23) Who is known as the founder of IBM Company? 

Answer: Thomas J. Watson.

24) An image on a computer screen is made up of__?

Answer:  Pixels.

25) Full form of MAN ? 

Answer: Metropolitan Area Network.

26) Which command in DOS can be used to recover accidentally deleted files?

Answer:  UNDELETE.

27) A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language atone time is called__?

Answer: Characters.

28) In which year, the Microsoft company was founded?

Answer:  1975.

29) What is the personal computer operating system that organizes and uses a graphic desktop environment?

Answer: Windows.

30) What are Light pen and joystick ? 

Answer: Input Devices.

31) What is a half byte also called as? 

Answer: Nibble.

32) SMPS stands for__?

Answer:  Switched mode Power Supply.

33) What do we use to change the appearance and positioning of text document in MSWord?

Answer: Formatting.

34) A ________ is approximately a million bytes?

Answer: Megabyte.

35) Daisy wheel, Drum, chain etc are the__? 

Answer: Printers.

36) In predicate logic, we can represent real-world facts as statements written as:

Answer: Well-formed formula.

37) A secondary processor used to speed up operations by taking over a specific part of the main processor’s work is called:

Answer: Coprocessor.

38) What is resolution?

Answer: Resolution is a proof procedure that reduces some of the complexity because it operates on statements, which have been converted to a single canonical form.

39) PASCAL was developed by:

Answer: Niklaus Wirth.

40) Examples for interpreted languages are:

Answer: LISP and APL BASIC was an interpreted language.

41) What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers ? 

Answer: Open system Interconnection.

42) A declarative representation is one in which knowledge is specified, but the use to which that knowledge is:

Answer: To be put is not given.

43) The name of the device used for a user to computer communications, usually the display and the keyboard is called:

Answer: Console.

44) A procedural representation is one in which the control information that is necessary to use the knowledge is considered to be:

Answer: Embedded in the knowledge itself.

45) An extra or redundant bit used to detect transmission errors is called:

Answer: Parity bit.

46) Programming language paradigm in which logical assertions are viewed as programs?

Answer: Logic programming.

47) What is CON?

Answer: It is an abbreviation for the console.

48) What is Horn Clause?

Answer: Horn clause is a clause that has almost one positive literal.

49) What is the need of parallel processing in a computer?

Answer: Achieve high performance at lower cost.

50) In PROLOG the rules are restricted to:

Answer: Horn clause.

 51) CAE stands for:

Answer: Computer Aided Engineering.

52) If the new facts are consistent with all the other facts that have already been asserted, then nothing will be retracted from the set of facts that are known to be true. What is this property called?

Answer: Monotonicity.

53) What is an efficient form of information processing which emphasizes the exploitation of concurrent events in a computer?

Answer: Parallel Processing.

54) Any inference that depends on the lack of some piece of knowledge is known as:

Answer: Non-monotonic inference.

55) CADD stands for:

Answer: Computer Aided Drafting and Design.

56) What is CWA?

Answer: Closed World Assumption is a kind of minimalist reasoning.

57) Computers can be made very knowledgeable but are far from being:

Answer: Intelligent.

58) What is TMS?

Answer: Truth Maintenance System.

59) A program that translates a high-level programming language such as C or Pascal into a machine language program is called:

Answer: Compiler.

60) The means is providing the ability to do dependency-directed backtracking and thus to support Non-monotonic reasoning is:

Answer: Truth Maintenance System.

61) Systems with a single central processor is known as:

Answer: Uniprocessor system.


62) What is LTMS?

Answer: Logic-based Truth Maintenance System.

63) A processor that can recognize and execute well over 100 different assembly language instruction is:

Answer: CISC Complex Instruction Set Computing.

64) What is ATMS?

Answer: Assumption-based Truth Maintenance System.


65) The computer with multiple processors with shared memory space is known as:

Answer: Multiprocessor system.


66) A measure of the extent to which the evidence that is described by the antecedent of the rule supports the conclusion that is given in the rule’s consequent:

Answer: Certainty factor.


67) RISC processors are 70 percent faster than which processors?

Answer: CISC.

68) What measures the strength of evidence in favour of a set of propositions in Dempster–Shafer theory?

Answer: Belief (Bel).

69) In uniprocessor systems which channels are used to provide direct information transfer between the device and main memory?

Answer: D.M.A. (Direct Memory Access)

70) What is Prospector?

Answer: Mineral exploration and identification tool.


71) Novell Netware’s local area network protocol used to route messages from one network node to another is called:

Answer: IPX Internet Packet Exchange.

72) What is the process of acquiring domain-specific knowledge and building it into the knowledge base?

Answer: Knowledge Engineering.

73)  In the uniprocessor system, usually CPU is:

Answer: 1000 times faster than memory access.

74) The process of mapping ordinary messages into encoded messages is called:

Answer: Enciphering.

75) Which type of storage device is a BIOS ? 

Answer: Primary.

76) What is the extension type of the excel 2007 files?

 Answer:  .xlsx

77) Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual isknown as the crime of__?

Answer: Identity theft .

78) The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called__? 

Answer: Line Spacing.

79) The common name for the crime of stealing passwords is__? 

Answer: Spoofing.

80) Who is regarded as Father of “C‘ programming language?

 Answer: Dennis Ritchie.

81) RAM can be treated as the ……… for the computer’s processor. 

Answer: Waiting Room.

82) Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called__?

 Answer: Processing.

83) Joshy, Perfumes are examples of __? 

Answer: Viuses.

84) The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an example of a law enforcement speciality called__?

Answer: Computer Forensics.

85) Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy?

Answer:  RAM.

86) A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the__? 

Answer: Operating system.

87) What is the other name for programmed chip?

Answer:  LSIC.

88) A normal CD- ROM usually can store up to _____data? 

Answer: 680 MB.

89) What does DMA stand for? 

Answer: Direct Memory Access.

90) Full form of LAN ?

 Answer: Local Area Network.

91) When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands? 

Answer: 1991.

92) What kind of memory is both static and non -volatile? 

Answer: ROM.

93) An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?

Answer: Glitch.

94) Unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail is known as__?

 Answer: Spam.

95) Help Menu is available at which button?

Answer:  Start.

96) Which file contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?

Answer: Master File.

97) What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to someone through the Internet?

Answer: Spybot.

98) Which is most common tool used to restrict access to computer system? 

Answer: Passwords.

99) The technology that stores only essential instructions on a microprocessor chip and thus enhances its speed is referred as__?

Answer: RISC.

100) A DVD is an example of an__? 

Answer: Optical Disc.


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