Microsoft Access also known as Microsoft Office Access is a Database Management System or DBMS from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a Graphical user interface and software-development tools. It helps us manage data stored in a computer database. A Database is a tool for collecting and organizing information. Database can store information about people, products, orders, or anything else.
The Access Opening Screen:-
Before you begin working in Microsoft Access 2016, you need to be familiar with the primary user
interface. In the next section, you will be asked to open a new blank desktop database in Access.
When you do so, a screen appears that is similar to the one shown in Figure 1-1.
When you create a blank database in Access, the opening screen provides you with a workspace in
which to build a database. Being familiar with the screen elements helps you understand important tools and information. The elements and features of your screen may vary if default settings
have been changed or if other preferences have been set.
STEP BY STEP - Start Access in Windows 10
GET READY. Before you begin these steps, make sure that your computer is on. Sign on, if
1. Press the Windows key on the keyboard to display the Start menu.
2. Click All apps, point to Access 2016 (see Figure 1-2), and then click Access 2016 to start Access and display its Start screen (see Figure 1-3).
STEP BY STEP - Open an Existing Database
GET READY. The Access startup screen should be on the screen from the previous exercise.
1. Click the Open Other Files command on the left side of the Access startup screen. The Open screen appears, as shown in Figure 1-4.
2. Click Browse, navigate to the data files for this lesson, and then select StudentInformation.accdb, as shown in Figure 1-5.
3. In the Open dialog box, click the Open button. The existing database opens.
If you open a file in a multi-user environment such as a SharePoint drive, other users can read and write to the database as well; therefore, you may want to open the database with other options. Click the down arrow next to the Open button to view these options:
• Open: Opens with default access.
• Open Read-Only: Opens with only viewing ability and not editing ability. Others can still read and write.
• Open Exclusive: Opens so that the database is only available to you. Others will receive a message that the file is already in use.
• Open Exclusive Read-Only: Opens with only viewing ability and not editing ability. Others can only view and not edit the database.
Navigation Pane:-
By default, the Navigation Pane, shown in Figure 1-6, appears on the left side of the Access screen each time you create or open a database.
Using the Navigation Pane
Before you can create a database, you need to understand its most basic elements. This section introduces you to some of the elements in a database that help you organize data and navigate using the Navigation Pane, object tabs, and different views.
STEP BY STEP - Use the Navigation Pane
GET READY. USE the Student Information database that is still open from the previous exercise.
1. In the Navigation Pane, double-click Students to display the table in the Access work area.
2. Click the down arrow next to All Access Objects at the top of the Navigation Pane to display the menu, as shown in Figure 1-7.
3. Click Tables and Related Views. The default group in this category is All Tables, which appears in the menu at the top of the Navigation Pane. Notice the Students table and all other objects related to it are displayed under the Students object tab.
4. Click the down arrow next to All Tables at the top of the Navigation Pane to display the menu again and then click Object Type to return to the original view.
5. Right-click in the white area of the Navigation Pane to display a shortcut menu. Click View By and then click Details.
6. The database objects are displayed with details. Click the right side of the Navigation Pane and drag to make it wider so all the information can be read, as shown in Figure 1-8.
7. If the search bar does not appear at the top of the Navigation Pane, right-click the All
Access Objects header of the Navigation Pane. On the shortcut menu, click Search Bar.
A search bar is now displayed at the top of the Navigation Pane.
8. Right-click in the white area of the Navigation Pane, click View By and then click List in
the shortcut menu to display the database objects in a list again.
9. Click the Shutter Bar Open/Close button to collapse the Navigation Pane. Notice it is
not entirely hidden, as shown in Figure 1-9.
10. Click the Shutter Bar Open/Close button to expand the Navigation Pane again.
Using Object Tabs
When you create a database in Access, all the objects in that database—including forms, tables, reports, queries—are displayed in a single window separated by tabs. Tabs help keep open objects visible and accessible. To move among the open objects, click a tab. To close a tab, click its Close button. You can also right-click a tab to display the shortcut menu, which you can use to save, close, close all, or change views. In this exercise, you practice opening and displaying object tabs.
STEP BY STEP - Use Object Tabs
GET READY. USE the Student Information database that is still open from the previous exercise.
1. In the Navigation Pane, double-click Student Details. A new object tab opens to display the form.
2. In the Navigation Pane, double-click All Students. A new object tab opens to display the All Students report tab along with the other two tabs, as shown in Figure 1-10.
3. Click the Close button on the report tab to close it.
4. Right-click the Student Details tab to display the shortcut menu. This menu allows you to save the object, close the object, close all object tabs, or change the object view.
5. Click Close to close the form.