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1. ALU - Arithmetic logic unit

2. ACPI - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

3. AC - Alternating Current

4. AM - Amplitude Modulated

5. AMD - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

6. AMD - Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

7. AMI - American Megatrends Inc.

8. ANSI - American National Standards Institute

9. API - Application Program Interface

10. APIC - Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller

11. APM - Advanced Power Management

12. ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

13. ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit

14. ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface

15. AT - Advanced Technology

16. ATA - AT Bus Attachment

17. ATAPI - ATA Packet Interface

18. ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode

19. BBS - Bulletin Board System

20. BCC - Block Check Character

21. BSC - Binary Synchronous Communications

22. BSD - Berkeley Standard Distribution

23. BTU - British Thermal Units

24. BCD - Binary Coded Decimal

25. BIOS - Basic Input / Output System

26. BNC - Bayonet Nut Connector

27. BPS - Bytes Per Second

28. bps - bits Per Second

29. CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing

30. CAD - Computer Aided Design

31. CAS - Column Address Strobe

32. CPU - Central Processing Unit

33. CPI - Clocks Per Instruction

34. CR - Carriage Return

35. CUI - Composite User Interface

36. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

37. CRC - Cyclical Redundancy Check

38. CD - Carrier Detect & Compact Disc

39. CD-R - Compact Disc-Recordable

40. CD-RW - Compact Disc-ReWritable

41. CD-ROM - Compact disc read-only memory

42. CGA - Color Graphics Adapter

43. CHS - Cylinder Head Sector

44. COMPUTER - Common Oriented Machine 

Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research

45. CMOS - Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

46. CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Device

47. CSR - Command Status Register

48. CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check

49. CTS - Clear To Send

50. DVI - Digital Visual Interface

51. DVD - Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc

52. DAT - Digital Audio Tape

53. DC - Direct Current

54. DCD - Data Carrier Detect

55. DCE - Data Circuit-terminating Equipment

56. DD - Double Density

57. DEC - Digital Equipment Corporation

58. DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module

59. DIP - Dual-In-line Package

60. DMA - Direct Memory Access

61. DMI - Desktop Management Interface

62. DOS - Disk Operating System

63. DPE - Data Parity Error

64. DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory

65. DS - Double Sided

66. DSP - Digital Signal Processor

67. DSR - Data Set Ready

68. DTA - Disk Transfer Area

69. DTC - Data Terminal Controller

70. DTE - Data Terminating Equipment

71. DTR - Data Terminal Ready

72. EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

73. EC - Error Check

74. ECC - Error Check and Correction

75. ECP - Enhanced Communication Port

76. ECU - EISA Configuration Utility

77. EDO - Extended Data Out RAM

78. EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

79. EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapter

80. EIA - Electronic Industries Association

81. EIDE - Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics

82. EISA - Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture

83. EMI - Electro-Magnetic Interference

84. EMF - Electro-Magnetic Force

85. EMM - Expanded Memory Manager

86. EMS - Expanded Memory Specification

87. EOF - End Of File

88. EOL - End Of Line

89. EPP - Enhanced Parallel Port

90. EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

91. ESCD - Extended System Configuration Data

92. ESD - Electro-Static Discharge

93. ESDI - Enhanced Small Devices Interface

94. FTP - File Transfer Protocol

95. FAT - File Allocation Table

96. FCC - Federal Communications Commission

97. FDD - Fixed/Floppy Disk Drive

98. FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface

99. FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing

100. FDX - Full-Duplex Transmission

101. FE - Front End

102. FEP - Front End Processor

103. FF - Form Feed

104. FIFO - First-In First-Out

105. FILO - First-In Last-Out

106. FM - Frequency Modulation

107. FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array

108. FPM - Fast Page Mode RAM

109. FPU - Floating Point Unit

110. FRC - Functional Redundancy Checking

111. FRU - Field-Replaceable Unit

112. FSF - Free Software Foundation

113. FSK - Frequency Shifty Keying

114. GUI - Graphical user interface

115. GAS - Gallium Arsenide

116. GFLOPS - Billions of Floating Point Operations Per Second

117. HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

118. HD - High Density

119. HDD - Hard Disk Drive

120. HDX - Half-Duplex Transmission

121. HFS - Hierarchical File System

122. HPFS - High Performance File System

123. IBM - International Business Machines

124. I/O - Input/Output

125. IC - Integrated Circuit

126. IDE - Integrated Device Electronics

127. IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

128. IMP - Interface Message Processor

129. IP - Internet Protocol

130. IPC - Inter Process Communication

131. IPX - Inter network Packet eXchange

132. IRQ - Interrupt ReQuest

133. ISA - Industry Standard Architecture

134. ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network

135. ISO - International Standards Organization

136. ISR - Interrupt Service Routine

137. IVT - Interrupt Vector Table

138. JFS - Journalized File System

139. KNI - Katmai New Instructions

140. KVA - KiloVolt-Amps

141. LBA - Linear Block Array / Addressing

142. LCD - Liquid crystal display

143. LAN - Local area network

144. LOGO - Language of Graphic-Oriented

145. LED - Light Emitting Diode

146. LF - Line Feed

147. LIF - Low Insertion Force

148. LIM - Lotus/Intel/Microsofts Expanded Memory Manager

149. LRU - Least-Recently Used

150. LSB - Least Significant Byte/bit

151. LSI - Large Scale Integration

152. LUN - Logical Unit Number

153. LASER - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

154. MAN - Metropolitan area network

155. MESI - Modified/Exclusive/Shared/Invalid

156. MIPS - Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages

157. MSo - Micro Soft Office, Multi system operator

158. MB/Mb - Mega Bytes/bits

159. MBR - Master Boot Record

160. MCA - Micro Channel Architecture

161. MCGA - Multi-Color Graphics Array

162. MCM - Multi-Chip Module

163. MDRAM - Multi-bank RA

164. MFLOPS - Millions of FLOating Point Operations per Second

165. MFM - Modified Frequency Modulated

166. MHz – MegaHertz

167. MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

168. MIDI - Musical Instrument Data Interface

169. MIMD - Multiple-Instruction Multiple-Data

170. MISD - Multiple-Instruction Single Data

171. MMX - Multi-Media Extensions

172. MNP - Microcom Network Protocol

173. MODEM - MOdulator / DEModulator

174. MOPS - Millions of Operations Per Second

175. MOS - Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

176. MP - Multi-Processor

177. MPP - Massively Parallel Processor

178. MPS - Multi-Processor System

179. MSB - Most Significant Byte/bit

180. MSDOS - Microsoft's Disk Operating System

181. MSI - Medium Scale Integration

182. MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure

183. N/C - No-Connect

184. NBS - National Bureau of Standards

185. NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers Association

186. NFS - Network File System

187. NFU - Not-Frequently Used

188. NIC - Network Interface Card

189. NMI - Non-Maskable Interrupt

190. NMOS - Negatively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

191. NOP - No OPeration NRU Not-Recently Used

192. NOS - Network Operating System

193. NSF - National Science Foundation

194. NTFS - New Technology File System

195. NVRAM - NonVolatile Random Access Memory

196. OCR - Optical Character Recognition

197. ODI - Open Data link Interface

198. OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

199. OS - Operating System

200. OSF - Open Software Foundation

201. OSI - Open Systems Interconnect

202. PAL - Programmable Array Logic

203. PB - Push Button

204. PBX - Private Branch eXtender

205. PC - Personal Computer, Program Counter

206. PCB - Printed Circuit Board

207. PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect

208. PCM - Pulse Code Modulation

209. PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

210. PE - Processor Element

211. PFF - Page Fault Frequency

212. PGA - Professional Graphics Array

213. PGA - Pin Grid Array

214. PIC - Programmable Interrupt Controller

215. PIO - Programmed Input / Output

216. PIROM - Processor Information ROM

217. PLA - Programmable Logic Array

218. PLCC - Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier

219. PLD - Programmable Logic Devices

220. PLL - Phase Locked Loop

221. PM - Preventive Maintenance

222. PMOS - Positively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconductor

223. PnP - Plug-and-Play

224. POST - Power On Self Test

225. PPP - Point-to-Point Protocol

226. PQFP - Plastic Quad Flat Pack

227. PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory

228. PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network

229. PSP - Program Segment Prefix

230. PTE - Page Table Entry

231. QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

232. QFP - Quad Flat Pack

233. QIC - Quarter Inch Cartridge

234. RAM - Random-access memory

235. RAID - Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks

236. RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital to Analogue Converter

237. RAS - Row Address Strobe

238. RCA - Radio Corporation of America

239. RCC - Routing Control Center

240. RDRAM - Rambus DRAM

241. RFC - Request For Comments

242. RFI - Radio Frequency Interference

243. RI - Ring Indicator

244. RISC - Reduced Instruction-Set Computer

245. RLL - Run Length Limited

246. RMS - Root Mean Squared

247. RMW - Read Modify Write

248. ROM - Read Only Memory

249. RPC - Remote Procedure Call

250. RPM - Rotations Per Minute

251. RTC - Real Time Clock

252. RTS - Request To Send

253. SAM - Sequential Access Memory

254. SASI - Shugart Associates Standard Interface

255. SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface

256. SD - Single Density

257. SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control

258. SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic RAM

259. SDRAM DDR - Double Data Rate SDRAM

260. SDRAM BDDR - Bi-Directional Strobed DDR SDRAM

261. SE - Systems Engineer

262. SEC - Single Edge Contact

263. SFF - Small Form Factor

264. SGRAM - Synchronous Graphics RAM

265. SMS - Short Message Service

266. SIMD - Single-Instruction Multiple-Data

267. SIMM - Single Inline Memory Module

268. SIPP - Single Inline Pinned Package

269. SISD - Single-Instruction Single-Data

270. SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol

271. SMD - Surface Mount Device

272. SMT - Surface Mount Technology

273. SNA - System Network Architecture

274. SNR - Signal to Noise Ratio

275. SOL - Small Out Line

276. SOIC - Small Outline Integrated Circuit

277. SPOOL - Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line

278. SPT - Sectors Per Track

279. SPU - Single Processor Unit

280. SRAM - Static Random Access Memory

281. SS - Single Sided

282. STDM - Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing

283. STN - Super Twisted Nematic

284. STU - Streaming Tape Unit

285. SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array

286. TCM - Trellis Code Modulation

287. TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

288. TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

289. TDM - Time Division Multiplexing

290. TI - Texas Instruments

291. TIA - Telecomm Industry Association

292. TLB - Translation-Look aside Buffer

293. TPI - Tracks Per Inch

294. TRANSISTOR - TRANSformer resistor

295. TSR - Terminate and Stay Resident

296. TTL - Transistor-Transistor Logic

297. UAE - Unrecoverable Application Error

298. UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

299. USART - Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

300. UDP - User Datagram Protocol

301. UMB - Upper Memory Block

302. USB - Universal Serial Bus

303. UNIX - A trademark used for a computer disk operating system

304. UPS - Uninterruptible power supply

305. USL - UNIX System Labs

306. UUCP - UNIX to UNIX Copy Program

307. VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Seize

308. VDU - Visual Display Unit

309. VBE - Video BIOS Extensions

310. VCR - Video Cassette Recorder

311. VESA - Video Enhanced Standards Association

312. VGA - Video Graphics Array

313. VLB - VESA Local Bus

314. VLIW - Very Long Instruction Word

315. VLSI - Very Large Scale Integration

316. VM - Virtual Memory

317. VME - Versa Module Euro-car

318. VRAM - Video Random Access Memory

319. VRT - Voltage Reduction Technology

320. VTR - Video Tape Recorder

321. WAN - Wide area network

322. WATS - Wide Area Telephone Service

323. WD - Western Digital

324. WORM - Write Once Read-Many

325. WRAM - Window Random Access Memory

326. WS - Wait State

327. WWW - World Wide Web

328. XGA - eXtended Graphics Array

329. XMS - Extended Memory Specification

330. XOR - Exclusive-OR

331. XNOR - Exclusive-NOR

332. XT - eXtended Technology

333. ZIF - Zero Insertion Force

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