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What is CPU? 

CPU is the heart and brain of a computer. 

It receives data as input. 

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is simply the central processor or the processor where most calculation takes places.

History of Central Processing Unit 

In the 1940, mathematicians: 

    John Von Neumann 

    J. Presper Eckert 

    John Mauchly 

Came up with the concept of the stored instruction digital computer.

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 On 1970’s a component of mainframe computer known as CPU is a steel cabinet bigger than a refrigerator full of circuit boards crowded with transistors. 

 In 1971 the first microprocessor invented. The 4004 microprocessor .

 In 1972 The 8008 was the first of many 8- bit microprocessors to fuel the home computer revolution.

 In 1979, Intel delivered the 8088 and IBM engineers used it for the first PC . From 8086.

Parts of System Units: 

 Motherboard 

 Memory 

 Bus 

 Expansion Slot 

 Ports and Connector 

 Bays 

 Power Supply 

 Sound Components

Motherboard: The motherboard is the main circuit board of a microcomputer. It is also known as the mainboard or system board.

Memory: Memory is the part of the computer that temporarily stores applications, documents, and stem operating information. 

 Bus: A bus is an electronic line that allows 1s and 0s to move from one place to another. 

Expansion Slots: Expansions slots appear on the motherboard. They are sockets into which adapters are connected. 

Ports and Connectors: A port is a connector located on the motherboard or on a separate adapter. 

Bays: A bay is a space inside the computer case where a hard drive, floppy drive or CD-ROM drive sits 

Power Supply: A power supply changes normal household electricity into electricity that a computer can use. 

Sound Components : A sound card lets a computer play and record high quality sound.

Components of CPU: 

 Control Unit 

 Arithmetic Logic Unit 

 Memory Unit/Register

Arrangement of Components:

ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit): 

 It performs two types of operations 

        1. Arithmetic Operations. 

        2. Logical Operations. 

 Arithmetic Operations: 

Logical Operations: 

Logical AND 

Logical OR 

Logical NOT 



CU (Control Unit): 

 It reads and instructions from memory and transforms them into a series of signals to activate other parts of the computer. 

 Controls the operations that takes place in various parts of a computer by sending electronic signals.

MU/Register(Memory Unit):

 Is the part of the computer that holds data and instructions for processing.

 Functions of the CPU

Fetch: Taking the instruction from the memory. 

Decode: Translating and decoding Assembly code binary instructions which are understandable to your CPU. 

Execute: Execute calculation, move data and jump to different address. 

Store: CPU dive some data after executing the instruction and store data being instructed.

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