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Abbreviation (সংক্ষিপ্তসার)
🙏 Abbreviation 🙏
1. LOL: Laugh out loud
2. OMG: Oh my God
3. ILY: I love you
4. MMB: Message me back
5. TTYN: Talk to you never
6. FBO: Facebook official
7. TTYS: Talk to you soon
8. HMB : Hit me back
9. SFW: Safe for work
10. GMV: Got my vote
11. ASL: Age/Sex/Location
12. AFAIK: As far as I know
13. IMHO: In my humble opinion
14. IRL: In real life
15. ISO: In search of
16. J/K: Just kidding
17. L8R: Later
18. POV: Point of view
19. RBTL: Read between the lines
20. RT: Real time
21. BTW: By the way
22. CTN: Can't talk now
23. CYE: Check your email
24. dl: Download
25. ETA: Estimated time of arrival
26. FWIW: For what it's worth
27. FYI: For your information
28. GG: Good game
29. GJ: Good job
30. GL: Good luck
31. gr8: Great
32. GTG: Got to go
33. GMV: Got my vote
34. HTH: Hope this help
35. OT: Off topic
36. PC: Personal computer
37. pls: Please
38. POS: Parent over shoulder
39. ppl: People
40. txt: Text
41. BRB: Be Right Back
42. B4N: Bye for now
43. BCNU: Be seeing you
44. BFF: Best Friends Forever
45. HTH: Hope this help
46. TY: Thank you
47. w/e: Whatever
48. W8: Wait
49. XOXO: Hugs and kisses
50. Y: Why
51. YOLO: You only live once
52. YNt : Why not
53. YW: You're welcome
54. ZZZ: Sleeping
55. LMAO : Laughing my a** off
56. msg : Message
57. NC: No comment
58. Noob : Newbie
59. PTFO: Passed the f*** out
60. CYA: Cover You're A**
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